
We are here for you when it comes to mountain biking.

As holistic specialists for bike-specific regional development, we advise destinations and regions along the entire offer design – from the business model and infrastructures, to the clarification of responsibilities, to the development of communication strategies and much more.


But we also plan implementations: Trail construction projects, maintenance planning or communication planning, business field development, etc.


Finally, we implement what has been planned: For example, as the client’s representative in construction and maintenance projects. We accompany projects and people in urban centers and recreational areas as well as in tourism destinations.



A well-founded, bicycle-specific spatial development strategy and planning for the next 5-10 years, taking into account a wide range of information and needs

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Development of bicycle-specific strategies for service providers, clubs and destinations

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Trail Design

Key element for functional, quality and sustainable trails. Reduces conflict, erosion and maintenance costs. Increased riding enjoyment, safety and acceptance

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Technical reports

Official survey reports and plans to ensure that your MTB infrastructure is planned in a compliant and sustainable manner

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Signage for routes and trails. Other signage such as information points, awareness measures, etc.

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