We offer

Trail Design

Key element for functional, quality and sustainable trails. Reduces conflict, erosion and maintenance costs. Increased riding enjoyment, safety and acceptance

Assessment of potential for trail and infrastructure construction and development

The trail design is the key element for functional and durable trails. Erosion is minimized and riding pleasure is maximized – a good trail design also promotes user channeling and increases safety on the trail. Trail design is an art influenced by the terrain and topography. Trail design is different every time. There are few general rules. We design trails ourselves or work with national and international experts to provide the best experience for your target audience.

Albinen : new Mountainbike Trail

Bike region Pfyn-Finges is famous for its wonderful mountain bike routes. What has been missing is an attractive route from Torrentalp to Flaschen. The mountain bike trail is now under construction.

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Buche jetzt den kostenlosen E-Mail-Kurs "zukunftsfähige Mountainbike Infrastrukturen in 30 Tagen"!

Begleite Hannah auf ihrer Reise von der Inspiration bis zum umgesetzten Trailcenter und lerne in 30 Tagen die wichtigsten Schritte für die Entwicklung zukunftsfähiger Mountainbike Infrastrukturen kennen.

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