
We support mountain biking, to make the world a better place to live in.

At Bikeplan we firmly believe that mountain biking can make a positive contribution to the development of our society. We want every descent, every climb achieved, every successful jump or simply the little lap at the end of the day to bring a huge smile to the faces not only of children but also of adults. 


We are convinced that mountain biking can promote positive emotions. But we also know that the sport has to be managed in a reasonable way for this to happen. Because there are other interests, such as those of Mother Nature, that are less capable of defending themselves. If we manage to find a balance between benefiting and preserving, then we will have achieved our goal. 


Then not only will we bring a smile to the faces of all bikers, but we will also inspire society to act in a more sustainable way, strengthen value generation in peripheral regions and thus make them more liveable again, or we will contribute our share to a healthier way of life.

What we do is close to our hearts. We are passionate bikers. But often we also feel connected to the regions where we work. Therefore, it is our motivation to deliver a great result.

More than 200 people live per square kilometre in Switzerland. If unproductive areas are deducted, this number increases even more. 

Because so many different interests come together in such a small space, we find it enormously important to bring these people to the dialogue. Only then will the individual actors understand each other’s needs – and be enabled to start talking about solutions.

We are convinced that sustainable solutions only emerge from a holistic approach. That is why our team includes professional mountain bike enthusiasts from the fields of environmental engineering, tourism, regional development, scenography, business administration and management, GIS, spatial planning, sustainability, community building and trail construction. 

We also believe that transparent communication is more beneficial than anything else. For us, transparent does not mean unfiltered. On the contrary. When we communicate, we do so thoughtfully and respectfully.

A new mountain bike infrastructure always requires an intervention in nature. We want to minimise this impact. That is why we consider it obligatory to build infrastructure in such a way that it is actually used by the target group. Then canalisation, added value and riding fun will work. The impact might still be the same, but at least the trail will be used.

Anyone working for us is passionate, enthusiastic, honest, professional. But also human. And people can make mistakes. We stand by that, we respect that others make mistakes too and we try to focus on the solution and not the problem.

Learn more about Bikeplan?


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